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Earth (The Six Elements Book 2)

  The Six Elements


  Rosie Scott

  Copyright, 2017

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except for use in any review. This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, locales, and events are pure invention, and all incidents come from the author's imagination alone.

  Cover design by Jes Richardson.

  Map design by Rosie Scott.


  To Tim, of course. Reading through these books as I write them puts a fire in your eyes that I love. I will forever love hearing your theories, predictions, and requests for these books. You do not have to be a fan of my writing just because we are married, but you are. I love you immensely.

  Also, to my readers. Each book you purchase further fuels my rabidly active imagination. So, in a sense, it is all your fault that I can do what I love. Thank you.

  Other Books by Rosie Scott:


  The New World series (complete):

  The Resistance

  The Betrayal

  The Acquisition

  The Insurrection

  The Calamity


  The Six Elements series (in progress):



  Water (TBA)

  Air (Planned)

  Life (Planned)

  Death (Planned)

  For More Information:

  Publisher's Website:

  Author Blog:

  Maps, timelines, and additional info about books can be found here!

  Business Inquiry Contact:

  Important Terms and Characters

  Alderi – Casually referred to as dark elves. Blue, purple, or blackish in color with black eyes. A brutal and crude race suited to the underground and sly dealings.

  Ali Sarraf – One of the richest owners of gladiators in T'ahal.

  Alteration magic – A school of magic dealing in the altering of material objects. Used for practical purposes and for battle support. Includes spells like telekinesis, detect life, and shape shifting.

  Ancients – An ancient race of beings that not much is known about. Accredited with the creation of the gods, among other things. Said to have existed during the beginning of the Golden Era.

  Anto Erikur – An immensely powerful slave and gladiator in T'ahal.

  Arrayis – The world, consisting of all continents and oceans.

  Arturian Kilgor – Kai Sera's biological father, and a magical scientist. The discoverer of the Kilgorian Law, and founder of the village of Kilgor.

  Bjorn Berg – The late general of the Seran Army, and the only positive father figure Kai has ever met. Executed by Sirius Sera for his assistance in Cerin Heliot's escape from Sera's dungeons.

  Cel Mountains – A mountain range between the Seran Forest and the forests of Celendar, containing the dwarven city of Brognel and the secluded Whispermere.

  Celdic – Casually referred to as wood elves. A peace-seeking race not prone to battle. Most have light complexions and stand slightly taller than humans. Most subside in the tree city of Celendar.

  Celendar – One of Chairel's four major cities. Home to the Celdic elves and the Knights of Celendar.

  Cerin Heliot – Kai Sera's childhood friend, and current companion. Sera's most wanted criminal for his extensive use of necromancy. Half-breed of Icilic and human blood.

  Chairel – A rich country mostly known for its four major cities of Sera, Comercio, Celendar, and Narangar. A land of forests, grasslands, and mountains.

  Comercio – One of Chairel's major cities and its central trade hub. A city of merchants and fortune seekers. In the center of Chairel and connected to each other major city via Caravaneer Road.

  Dark Star – The season of winter.

  Desiccated Wastelands – A large circular area of desert to the north of T'ahal that is said to be cursed, for nothing lives or treks there, whether plant or animal.

  Dual Caster – A mage capable of wielding two elements.

  Elemental magic – Sometimes referred to as destruction magic. The hardest magic to wield given the power necessary. Deals in the elements of fire, earth, water, air, life, and death.

  Eran – The first, smaller moon of Arrayis. Shows itself in the sky all year round.

  Fortnight – A period of two weeks.

  Gavriel – An immensely powerful gladiator that has risen in the ranks of the coliseum faster than any other in T'ahal's history.

  Gods – A powerful race of beings said to have been created by the Ancients. The source of most of the religions on Arrayis. Most people in the world do not believe they still exist as tangible beings, despite Kai Sera and her companions now knowing better.

  Golden Era – An era spanning 5782 years before the current Mortal Era, said to be a time of discovery, including the forming of most major nations of Arrayis. An era of which little is known for sure, given the mix of myth and history passed through the generations.

  Glacia – A continent that also serves as its own country, home to the Icilic elves, at the northern most point of Arrayis.

  Half-breed – A person who carries the blood of two separate races and contains traits from both.

  Hasani Samara – King Adar's only son. A fantastic fighter and war general. Tasked to investigate reports of a beast threatening the village of Nen a fortnight ahead of Kai Sera's arrival in T'ahal.

  High Star – The season of summer.

  Human – The weakest of the mortal races, and the most common race to populate Chairel.

  Icilic – Casually referred to as snow elves. The oldest lineage of elves in all of Arrayis, known for their magical abilities and disdain for other races. Extreme isolationists.

  Illusion magic – A school of magic dealing in the creation of illusions for entertainment or nefarious purposes. Includes spells such as charm, frenzy, or invisibility.

  Jaalam – Usually referred to as the lost city of Jaalam, it is a large city that was swallowed by the sands. It is now abandoned.

  Jakan Yair – A Vhiri thief and wielder of illusion magic.

  Kai Sera – Wielder of the six elements. Adopted daughter of Sirius Sera. Current outlaw and criminal due to her assistance in freeing Cerin Heliot from the Seran dungeons, and the following Seran Massacre. Half-breed of god and human blood.

  Kilgorian Law – Named after its discoverer, Arturian Kilgor, it is a scientific law which states a mage's magic energy is pulled from reserves in a natural order: environment, weather, self.

  King Adar – The king of Nahara. Resides in T'ahal.

  Malgor – The god of war, worshiped by most orcs. Depicted as an orc in both statues and drawings of the god.

  Mantus – A Naharan beast of such size that many theorize it was the cause of Jaalam being swallowed by the sands. Though it has killed many, it has never been seen, given its refusal to leave the underground.

  Material element – Another way to describe the elements of fire, earth, water, and air, due to magic energy being used for creating a material rather than being used as the actual element (as is the case for life or death).

  Meir – Arrayis's second moon, and the largest. Only appears above Chairel twice a year, and for weeks at a time.

  Moons – Another word for seasons, as in, there are four moons in a year. Sometimes used as a method to describe the passing of time.

  Mortal Era – The current era, directly following the Golden Era, said to belong to the mortal races
of Arrayis given the disappearance of the immortal races such as the Ancients and the gods. Any dates referred to in The Six Elements are of the Mortal Era, unless otherwise specified.

  Nahara – A poorer country known for its giant beasts and vast deserts. Just south of Chairel.

  Nanya – The goddess of lust, and Kai's mother.

  Narangar – The dwarven capital in southwest Chairel, nestled deep in the Golden Peaks just above the Chairel/Nahara Border.

  Necromancy – Another term for death magic, and the only element that is banned across Chairel. Deals in the reanimation of the dead, the leeching of energy from life, and the decomposition or plague of living forms.

  New Moon – The season of spring.

  Nyx Sephtis – Kai Sera's Alderi best friend. Former assassin. Current outlaw and criminal due to her assistance in freeing Cerin Heliot from the Seran dungeons.

  Orders of the Mages – The name that encompasses all of Sera's mage armies, broken down into different Orders.

  Queen Edrys – The ruler of Chairel. Has a regent in each of the four major cities. Resides in Comercio.

  Red Moon – The season of autumn.

  Sera – A rich, mostly human city that was built on the edge of a mountain. Attracts tourists and seekers of magic services. Home to The Twelve, and the famous Orders of the Mages. Ruled by Sirius Sera, who also serves as headmaster to the Seran University.

  Seran University – The only place in the world that officially teaches magic and grants magic licenses to prospective mages.

  Servis Ocean – An ocean that borders the northern and western coasts of Chairel, separating the country from the continent of Glacia.

  Silas Galan – Kai Sera's bodyguard and former lover. A Celdic elf of royalty from Celendar. Abandoned the group at the end of Fire for his refusal to follow Kai into illegal activities.

  Sirius Sera – Headmaster of the Seran University and regent of Sera. Wielder of air and life magic.

  T'ahal – The capital city of Nahara. Home to King Adar and the infamous coliseum.

  Talib Kattan – King Adar's most trusted assistant and representative.

  Terran Sera – Biological son of Sirius Sera, and heir to the Seran throne. Wielder of earth magic.

  Theron Boa – A human mercenary hired by Kai Sera. A ranger and tracker. Current outlaw and criminal due to his assistance in freeing Cerin Heliot from the Seran dungeons.

  The Twelve – A prestigious arm of the Seran Army, consisting of twelve of its highest ranked soldiers, utilized for reconnaissance missions and to serve justice in the name of Sirius Sera. Each of the twelve is awarded her or his own griffon mount.

  Vhiri – Casually referred to as high elves. A highly magical race of elves known for their arrogance and hatred of the politics of Chairel. Most have bronzed or deep brown skin.

  Whispermere – A secluded village high in the Cel Mountains, built for the goddess Nanya.

  Relevant Spells and Translations


  Creatius les fiers – Create fire


  Tranferra la terra ti ___ - Transform earth into (sand/metal/stone)

  Generat le tremor – Generate earthquake

  La terra te risa – Raise earth

  La terra te sinka – Sink earth

  El roc a blockad te risa – Raise stone wall


  Creatius le air – Create air

  Generat la bolta – Generate lightning bolt

  Ades in bolta – Imbue object (i.e. weapon) with lightning


  Creatius a friz projectille – Create ice shard

  Generat le shouer – Generate rains


  Givara le life – Heal

  Givara la mana – Give energy

  Promotus le imun – Promote immunity

  Sheel a phisica – Shield for physical damage

  Sheel a mana – Shield for energy damage (ward)


  Enflic le plague – Inflict plague

  Corpa te risa – Raise corpse (singular)

  Corpa te risa a multipla – Raise corpses (area of effect)

  Absort la mana del life – Leech (translates to “absorb energy from life”)

  Combination (Dual Elements)

  Summun te golum – Summon golem (death/material element)

  Illusion Spells

  Muta te sensa – Dull senses

  Persuadua – Charm

  Desoriencia – Confuse


  The grasslands of Sera were blanketed with snow. Even though the sky was black and the clouds blocked most of the stars, the brightness of the snow made the visibility of the lands stretched out before our camp even clearer than normal. As I looked over the beautiful, simplistic view of snow as far as the eye could see, I shook furiously.

  It was cold. So cold. Not quite as cold as it had been in the Cel Mountains on our earlier trip to Whispermere, but as my friends and I were on the run from Sirius and the army he commanded in Sera, we were unable to mark our location with a campfire. We needed to keep our location as hidden as possible from those who sought our heads. He had sent The Twelve after us before—the small arm of the Seran Army which consisted of twelve of the finest soldiers and their griffon mounts—so we could be sure he would do it again. A campfire was easily visible at day or night, and the smoke it would create could last until morning, keeping them on our trail. Thus, during the last day, we had gone without. It meant that the cold was stuck frigid in our bones and that the food we ate did nothing to warm us, but such were things criminals needed to do without.

  Moreso than the cold, I was shaking from mourning. I had been unable to properly mourn Bjorn since witnessing his brutal execution in Sera a little over a day before. All of us had been on the move consistently for this entire time, and the others were exhausted. Here I sat, alone and cold, sobbing. I was not one to show my emotions in front of others, and had somehow been able to hold it in until the others had gone to bed. My energy levels were higher than normal from all of the soldiers I had leeched from during my assault on Sera, so I did not need sleep like the others. Even still, my mind and soul were fatigued.

  The image of Bjorn's head, alone, having rolled away from his body and staring into the crowd—that would haunt me forever. The memory of his body shambling around as a corpse after I'd been the one to raise it—that was another thing entirely. It was not enough that he was dead; my memories were trying to prove to me that necromancy was just as horrific as everyone believed, even though I wanted it legalized. There were good uses for it. I knew that. It was just that I had been on the opposite end of it. I knew what it felt to wield death magic; I also knew how it felt to see the gory remains of someone you love rise again, and not hold the same soul within its flesh that it once had.

  My quest to understand my parentage and my roots had only succeeded in killing the only person who had been like a parent to me. I tried to take solace in the fact that I'd had time to tell Bjorn he was like a father to me before he had died. At least I had that.

  I also cried for Terran. The man who had been my brother from circumstance rather than blood had chosen his loyalties to Sirius over his loyalties to me. While I understood that, I still was saddened by it. Terran and I would probably never be close again. I had bested him in battle in Sera, but I hoped to never have to fight him again. I had a nagging feeling in my gut that it would eventually come to that. Now that Sirius had deemed me an enemy of Chairel, my brother would be at his every whim. Knowing Sirius's past devious actions, I wouldn't have put it past him to order Terran after me just to try to get him to turn on me for good.

  A black figure moved into my vision from the left, and sat on the fallen log beside me. Without looking, I already knew it was Cerin. With a sideways movement, he threw a blanket over my shoulders. It started to fall off my right shoulder, but I reached over, pulling it back up.

  “You are shivering,” he said softly. I felt his eyes on me, but
I didn't yet glance over. My golden eyes were sore and red with tears, and I never meant to let him see me cry.

  “Yes, thank you,” I murmured, wiping at my nose. “And you are supposed to be asleep.”

  “I cannot sleep,” he admitted, before his face turned toward the land we had yet to cover from through trees at the edge of the forest. I finally allowed myself to look over at him, now that he would not meet my stare. He had given me a blanket, but all he had was his cloak. I saw it shake as he shivered beneath it. I thought about offering the blanket to him, as well. To share.

  I swallowed and looked away, more tears threatening to spill over. I knew Cerin found me attractive. And now that we had broken him out of the Seran dungeons to save him from execution, I knew he was as close to trusting me as he would ever get. But still, my attack on Sera had destroyed so much—including innocents. The shocked look on his face as he had relayed that to me in the midst of my furor came back to me then. I would be lucky if he wanted to stay with me at all, at this rate.

  “You are thinking about leaving,” I finally said, my throat so thick with sadness that it was strained with pain.

  “What?” Cerin turned his handsome face quickly toward me, and his silver eyes caught on the tears swelled in my own. “No.” His face softened just before I looked away, unable to keep the tears from flowing over. I ducked over in my blanket, crying into my hands. For a moment, the necromancer did nothing. He was probably embarrassed at my display and at a loss for words. Then, I felt the log shake a little, and felt his presence closer. He made no move to touch me, but I could tell he wanted to comfort me. Just knowing that made me feel a little less alone.

  “Kai, why would I leave?” His voice was closer, softer.

  “You are disgusted with me for my display in Sera. So is Nyx. So is Theron. Silas has already left me because of our disagreements. I will lose everything.” The words tumbled over sobs.